Alzeimer Got All Over Me, Maybe

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Wednesday, October 2011 (forgot the date)

I even forgot how to write 'Rabu' in English! This alzaimer thing, that justin timberlake's father got in "Friends with benefits" really freaks me out. They're still normal, but sometimes they do the crazy acts, literally  I mean. Like putting their pants off while in public, how embarassing.

Alzaimer is a sudden lost memory disease (or syndrome? Well, wtf) I often feel like i have this disease. I mean, I forget often, and I  was hard on remembering things. Anyway, today I was late 55 minutes to school. So the gatekeeper asked me to leave that school, I was greatly shocked. Well, usuallu they let me in but i have to run 10 - 15 laps before.

Luckily, there's a girl who got in the same shoes as me and she bought a motorbike! she kindly gave me a ride home. But my smart brain said, that it wasn't the perfect time to show up at my neighborhood. I mean, if your parent are a pair of fine teachers, so uptight about their sweetheart's education. They sent their sweeties to the public school to get the best  in education and social life. But suddenly their darlings went home after 20 minutes exactly after they sent them off to school. They would ground me for years, for sure!

So I was just went to a basketball field near my house, it was 7 PM I guess. I sat on the bench, takin my uniform off and only wearing my boxer and t-shirt. Taking out my binder (I wis I have kindle fire, or iPad!) out writing a journal. It was quiet, peaceful, the wind breeze gently, it was sooo cozy. But suddenly, a great blinding sunlight shone on me. It was like in the movie, the same when the angel suddenly and beautifully appear with all the glowing and glittery things around them. It was beautifully awesome.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I found 10 grant (rupiah of course) while I was walking at the busway bridge. Yay lucky me! Uang 10 ribu itu seperti sengaja diberi Tuhan untuk modal madol gue yaampun baik banget.

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